Wellness Atlas


A Wellness Lifestyle is much more than just being drug-free or disease-free.


Heralding a Wellness Revolution

Ask a child and it will tell you that Health is Priceless.

But, unfortunately, all of us are paying a very high price for our health. We seem to have forgotten the age old guidelines to lead a healthy life. Our educational system has succeeded in helping us getting a better IQ (Intelligent Quotient). The competitive corporate world seems to have succeeded in helping us realise the importance of EQ (Emotional Quotient).

But, what applies to everyone of us and on a daily basis seems to have been missed out! The common man is mostly clueless about his WQ, The Wellness Quotient!

It is not a surprise why lifestyle diseases are on the rise. Diabetes, Spondylitis, Arthritis, Obesity, Cancer, Infertility and Heart Attacks have become a compulsory family member for more than 75% of the adult population. What is even more sad is how most of us are still in the dark about how to handle these situations. Our hospitals and clinics are busier than shopping malls. Doctors seem to have an endless queue of patients, that they don't have the patience to help us understand our health better.

Everyone understands that "Prevention is better than cure". But the biggest question is "How?". And if someone has already adopted one or more of these deadly lifestyle disorders, does it necessarily mean that they have started their walk towards their final destination? Can we gift our parents and loved ones a healthier old age? Can we give a healthy start to our children, so that they live a more fuller life? Are huge hospital bills the only way to spend the hard earned money?

The mission of this community is to inspire people to make choices for healthy living through simplified education, to empower common people to start learning about their biggest asset - their own health, and to then pay it forward by guiding, mentoring and hand holding many others, thus creating a ripple effect which can lead to 1,000,000 individuals lead a healthier life by 2025.


The Wellness Pillars


What we eat is who we are. Sadly, the food that we eat is no longer pure and effective as it was for our grandparents. The WQ community helps you decode the buzzwords of today - organic, non-GMO, supplements, alkaline et al so that you know what to put on your plate


Stress is one of the biggest drivers of oxidative stress in our bodies. Most people go through it without realizing that they have it? Have you measured your stress levels? How do other members in the wellness community deal with it?


Learn from the community to differentiate fads from facts. Which type of exercise is most suited for your body? What are the Do’s and Dont’s of each type of exercise?


Emotional wellness is the core of overall wellness. Do you feel you belong at the place you work? Do you have enough emotional connections with your co-workers, your community, your family to drive your wellness long term?


While the science behind sleep is still catching up, we know that sleep time is repair & rejuvenation time for our body. But how much is enough? Do you need more or less? What are the different kinds of sleep? Get shared answers to these questions from others like you.


The air we breathe, the water we drink - can wellness be achieved without making sure these are pure? The pollution around us is omni-present. Learn from the community what people are doing to undo the effects of pollution and toxicity in everyday life


Always know that our body is more intelligent than the medicine we use to treat it
— Ancient Wisdom


Views from the Wellness Community


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Connecting with WQ!

Wellness Quotient is a community of wellness seekers, learners, enthusiasts and coaches. Our vision is to impact the wellness of millions of people around the world by helping them connect together. However, we believe that only a verified person to person connect helps create authentic connections for people.

So, if you are seeking wellness advise for yourself or looking to become a WQ learner, enthusiast or coach; please seek a referral from an active community member or the person who referred you to this website. An active WQ community member is someone who understands the community’s charter and guidelines and will help you connect with a wellness coach for advise or brief you on the qualification path to become a wellness coach.