Wellness Quotient


Weight Loss

Managing Weight Needs Focus

Like most IT professionals in Bangalore, owing to the sedentary lifestyle, Prasanna never really worked out and had an unhealthy diet. He didn't think much about it till he was 85 kg, but when he reached 95 kg, it was alarming. By that time, he had developed already developed multiple health conditions like thyroid, hormonal imbalance, fatty liver, scalp psoriasis, gout to name a few. He knew something had to change. But he didn't know where to start. He had already tried various internet based weight loss approaches, but none of them were long lasting. It was only later when he started taking a holistic approach towards it that he started getting permanent results. Along with creating a calorie budget and necessary supplementation, he joined a cycling community with some of his friends. Now year and a half later, he is happy, energetic and 15 kg lighter! He has always been an outdoors person and now he can do all that his heart desires. "The key is you got to commit to it first," he says. "You got to be at a point where enough is enough. You got to commit to doing it and then you've got to stick with it and be consistent."

Arpan Gupta