Wellness Quotient


Weight Loss

Wellness – A way of life


Gyana was a happy IT professional, enjoying his job for 14 long years.

Everything seemed good until the flipside of his work started showing up. Long working hours and uncertain work schedule were visible on the weighing scale.

79 kgs and obese, Gyana was experiencing fatigue followed by increasing stress, gastric acidity and hence poor absorption of nutrition leading to more fatigue! He was in a vicious cycle and desperate.

There suddenly appeared a silver lining when one of his friends introduced him to Wellness Quotient.

Gyana was more than convinced since his friend was a first-hand beneficiary of fitness from WQ.

With baby steps he moved forward in his weight loss journey and before he realized he was already into a whole new world of wellness!

Today Gyana is happier and lighter from inside and looks younger from outside. From 79 kgs to 67 kgs in 3 months, this is a story of healthy practices with no side effects.

What more? Four months hence, he still maintains the weight and the changed lifestyle with ease.

His body fat % moved from 27 to 19.8, visceral fat from 14 to 7.5 and BMI 27 to 22.9 and all this "the wellness way". “I’m extremely grateful to Wellness Community for guiding me to a healthy life,” says Gyana as he shows off his new self to all.

(Wellness Quotient proudly presents the WQ champion Gyana’s story as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can!)

Arpan Gupta