Wellness Quotient


Weight Loss

A lesson in good health!


Pratap could teach Civil Engineering, but needed a lesson in good health!

At 87 kgs, this professor was overweight by 20 kgs and dead worried.

With rigorous exercise, he came down to 80, but couldn't break the barrier further. Crash diets, longer exercise hours didn't help. During lockdown, he actually started putting weight again!

Not only his physical health, but it started impacting his mental health too.

That's when he started working with a coach from the WQ community. After 4 months and working on all 6 pillars of wellness, his weight was 67.4. His BMI changed from 29 to 24.3!

Pratap feels energetic and can run 4-5 kms easily. He says, "I'm lucky to come in contact with WQ community at the right time!"

Apart from achieving his health goals, he claims his biggest take away is that importance of nutrition and other aspects of wellness are ingrained in him for life!

(Wellness Quotient proudly presents one of their WQ Champion Pratap's journey as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can too!)

Arpan Gupta