Wellness Atlas


Weight Loss

Losing the extra baggage!


It crept up on him. Hariharan did not see it coming.

This senior financial advisor from Bangalore was shocked when, one day, his weighing scale showed 84 kgs!

He had gained about 15 extra kilos since the pandemic began.

He began doing what he knew best in order to lose his extra weight. He started counting calories and steps. He even made the ultimate sacrifice for a South Indian – stopped rice!

But his progress seemed to be marginal, at best.

Luckily, a friend introduced him to a wellness coach at WQ.

Hari was a bit surprised in the beginning. "I thought I would have to start eating some exotic diet to lose my weight. It was reassuring when my coach suggested some very small changes", he fondly recollects.

But these seemingly small changes began to show big results. With his coach's constant guidance, Hari lost a whopping 12 kilos in 3 months.

With waist from 34 inches to 30 inches, a thrilled Hari says, "It feels great to fit into trousers that I wore during my wedding 10 years ago."

(Wellness Quotient proudly presents one of their WQ Champion Hariharan's journey as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can too!)

Arpan Gupta