Wellness Atlas


Weight Loss

A pain free body is a playful body


Absence of illness is not wellness” says Nitin.

He thought his health was all set owing to his very active lifestyle since childhood which involved athletics, sports and yoga. Then his career in IT came along.

Sedentary lifestyle started stinging him and within no time he went overweight. Along with being overweight came uninvited guests like migraine, back & neck pain and high acidity. A bright summer that would cheer up many would soon become a pain for Nitin as it caused severe migraine attacks.

Nitin soon wanted to take charge of his health and like many of us, set new year resolutions. But he was not able to be consistent with it.

If it was lack of energy one time, it was cold mornings at other time. If it was prickly sunlight once, it was lack of motivation sometime else. Through all this, he kept on gaining weight and had reached 83 kg. Nothing seem to be helping the situation.

During these desperate times is when Nitin came in touch with a coach at Wellness Quotient. His health and lifestyle was carefully assessed and holistic solution involving focus on key pillars of health was provided. “The interaction with the health coach was a breath of fresh air”, recalls Nitin.

But it was just a plan. A plan needs an action . This is where full credit goes to Nitin.

Even if the going was tough initially due to long working hours, he did not give up and followed the plan to the T. Thanking his health coach Nitin gleefully says, ”During this tough phase, my coach really motivated me and as a result I lost 4 kgs in first month”.

That gave him a new hope and belief! Now after losing 17 kgs in 6 months and his BMI coming down from 29.5 to 24.5, not only does he feel lighter, but he also finds drastic improvement in back pain, acidity, migraine and overall energy levels.

“Summers are bright again for me", quips Nitin as he carries his cricket gear out without the worry of migraine effects.

(Wellness Quotient proudly presents one of their WQ Champion Nitin's journey as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can too!)

Arpan Gupta