Wellness Quotient


Word of Mouth. Unsolicited.


How do you know whom/what to trust?

Truth is not easy to find. Smart marketing & flashy advertising can distort “truth” beyond recognition. In the times that we live in today, truth is so scarce, that some companies have even made “truth” their USP! We believe “truth” needs to be available for free. It should be easily and readily accessible. The only 2 ways to know the “truth” today, and to know whom to “trust” are -

  1. Connect with someone who practises what they preach. Not experts, not smooth talkers. While expertise can be easily distorted to benefit a special interest group; what you “practise” speaks so loud, others don’t need to hear what you have to say.

  2. Know the key metrics or criteria that are most important in judging whether to trust someone or something

We present to you both of these as a community. So that you can make up your own mind.


Select Wellness Category 


Heart Health

Kids Health

Mental Health/Depression/Headaches

Healthy Aging

Hair Health


Joints, Muscles, Nerves



Womens’ Health/PCOD


Digestive Wellness

Weight Loss



Special conditions


Health stories and testimonials featured by the WQ community are curated from case studies submitted by community members and are a result of practising lifestyle modifications based on the pillars of health alongside any medical advice that the person might have been following, in no way suggesting that they are a replacement to any ongoing or recommended medical treatment. They should not be considered as a proof or guarantee that another person can achieve the same results. Lifestyle modifications play an important role in recovery and health but adherence and practise vary between individuals thus giving varying degrees of benefit. The Content on the Platform are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from medical practitioners. For details see T&C and privacy policy.

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