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Lifestyle changes to heal Hypertension


In the era of 80’s or 90’s, High Blood Pressure or Hypertension (HT) used to be the disease prevalent among old-age folks. But it is not so anymore. In our generation, having HT condition has become very commonplace - One of my Degree College classmate collapsed on the spot on a railway platform about to catch a train for office after suffering a massive cardiac arrest. He was just 26 years of age.

It was extremely shocking for all of us. It was a short few years ago.

But if you see around today, slowly but steadily, these lifestyle diseases have become a common phenomenon such that 1 in 3 Indian Adults actually suffers from high blood pressure condition. As they visit clinics, physicians make them “lifelong patients” for medication. Allopathic Medicine comes with side-effects, most of them treat symptoms but can't cure the underlying illness. Even worse, if these health conditions do not get detected or addressed on time, people become vulnerable to a heart attack or stroke. Now we all know about general health guidelines to follow to control HT along with medicines

But Why Do Generic Guidelines Fail? Because We Lack Personalized Information That Will Work For ‘ME’…

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A healthy human body gets ill because of various lifestyle disorders. To heal our body we need a customized combination of remedies because “Freedom from Hypertension” can be achieved through lifestyle changes only.

