Wellness Atlas


Weight Loss

Healthy mom!

“God could not be everywhere, so HE made mothers”

But it is an added boon to have a healthy mother!

Monika, a doting mother of two children put her health in the back seat, like many others.

She had suffered from asthma post her first pregnancy which had to be treated with heavy steroids and weight gain came with the package.

Multiple hospitalizations leaving young kids alone, drained her emotionally.

The hectic life in the nuclear family with growing children took a toll on Monika’s health. Inhaler became her constant companion and she was slipping into a helpless insecurity.

It was nothing but God’s grace that WQ came into her life through a friend and brought in the springtime of her life!

The coach worked on a customized schedule and helped her shed 10 kgs.

Asthma is now history and inhaler is a thing of the past.

“Moving from 85 kg to 75 kg in 4 months seems like a miracle and I cannot thank WQ enough for what I’m now” beams Monika bouncing with energy as she sets about her mission to help more like her.

(Wellness Quotient proudly presents the WQ champion Rajesh’s story as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can!)

Arpan Gupta