Wellness Quotient


Weight Loss

Healthy mom makes a happy home!


"Happy and healthy mom makes a happy and healthy home" – Sweety Gupta stands true to this today.

But the path that led her to this has been a bumpy one.

When Sweety came to Bangalore as a young bride at 25 weighing just 56 kgs, it was all fun and frolic – eating out, late dinners, pizzas, burgers, canned juice and endless list of junk!

No wonder that as she celebrated her first wedding anniversary her weight touched 64 kgs! But naïve as she was, it did not bother her because she was sure her one hour jog every morning was enough to wash down her sinful eating.

Two years down the line, when mother hood came her way, she happily embraced the new born and her post pregnancy weight which was now 75!

She struggled to shed some pounds without much success.

The figure glaring at her from the mirror terrified her. She longed to be back in the clothes she wore earlier and that’s when WQ stepped in like a savior.

Sweety was more than willing to do anything to get back in shape. Four months of sincere work produced the results she had been craving for - 53 kgs! Size ‘L’ to size ‘S’ in the pink of health.

Looking back at the journey, Sweety is proud to look slim and fit but happier about the lifestyle habits that are here to stay.

She now has a whole new view about what she eats and that makes a difference in her lactation as well. "I’m so happy to have come aboard this journey to wellness" says the happy and healthy mom who makes a happy and healthy home!

(Wellness Quotient proudly presents one of their WQ Champion Sweety's journey as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can too!)

Arpan Gupta