Wellness Quotient


Weight Loss

From doubtful to joyful ...


Are you someone who needs to lose weight? But also knows nothing can happen due to your lazy lifestyle?

Well, Rohini's story can give you hope for sure!

Rohini was not someone who ever felt the need to lose weight. But she started putting on weight after her marriage. At 64 kilos in January of 2020, she knew it's high time she starts doing something about it.

She decided to take help. A closer look into her lifestyle revealed that the key components of wellness - diet, exercise, stress and sleep - were completely out of order. For example, she can't believe herself now when she says, "I was consuming 6 litres of oil every month!"

With right guidance, she started making the necessary changes. Her oil consupmtion came down to 1 litre per month. Over the next 5 months, she was down to her ideal weight of 52 kilos.

Rohini always wanted to wear medium sized clothes. "Because of the changes I did and the help I took, this dream could come true for me," she says happily!

Today, all medium sized clothes from her college days are back in her wardrobe.

(Wellness Quotient proudly presents one of their WQ Champion Rohini's journey as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can too!)

Arpan Gupta