Wellness Atlas


Weight Loss

Where there is a will, there is a way!


Have you ever wondered how did you put on those extra kilos? Well, you know the answer - a little bit every day!

And all of a sudden, one day you realise that it's not little bit anymore! One day, your colleague says "You are putting on weight". Your friend pokes at you and says, "You are getting fatter day by day". It is embarassing and you don't like it.

That's exactly where Vamsi Kiran - a software engineer who works in Bangalore - was. He was concerned since he had a family history of diabetes and having lower energy levels really limited him from doing all he wanted to achieve in a day.

Realizing that he has to do something about it, he got in touch with one of the coaches from Wellness Quotient community and decided to start on his weight loss journey.

With starting weight of 83 kgs and battling with a severe lung infection in between, he is now at his ideal weight at 69 kgs. Proper diet, exercise, bridging my nutrition gaps, good sleep and of course motivation from the Wellness Quotient community is what he attributes success of his journey for the past few months.

From 38 inches to 34 inches now, Vamsi says with pride and excitement, "Some of my old trousers are too BIG for me now!"

(Wellness Quotient proudly presents one of their WQ Champion Vamsi's journey as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can too!)

Arpan Gupta