I can lose weight too!
"5 years back, I started noticing a gradual increment in my weight", recalls Shameera. "Without knowing the root cause of it, I followed exercises and different diets and ended up with no hope to reduce weight!"
Around that time, she saw her friend lose 13 kg weight. It gave her hope.
"Immediately, I asked my friend how did this happen and when he said the WQ coaches helped him, I immediately contacted them and enrolled in the health transformation program!", she says.
Shameera started to understand the root cause of her weight gain instead of following random internet-based diets.
She started to follow her coach's recommendations in areas of diet, exercise, nutrition and many others.
Eventually, her food cravings reduced and she lost 9 kg of weight.
"Now I'm super happy and excited to help people who are in the same place where I was when I started", says Shameera with a smile.
(Wellness Quotient proudly presents one of their WQ Champion’s journey as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can too!)