Wellness Quotient


Weight Loss

Happy to lose 20 kg!

"I was overweight since childhood and my dresses were bought based on size instead of my choice!", says Soumya.

Obviously, it affected her self-image in a bad way.

In an attempt to lose weight, she had tried it all - slimming centers, different kinds of diets, gymming, etc. - but it always came back.

"So, when my husband and I wanted to plan for a kid, I didn't want to lose weight the earlier way so that I can have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy child!", she recalls.

Fortunately, I met with my WQ coach who helped me lose some weight and have a healthy pregnancy, a normal delivery and a healthy baby.

But now she wanted to lose the post-pregnancy weight and also the back pain and sciatica pain that she developed during pregnancy.

"This was impacting my work too", says Soumya. "I'd to take 2-3 days of leave from work due to this back pain".

She started to closely work with her coach again and over the next 6 months, lost 20 kg of weight. But more than that, her back pain is history now.

"I've been able to maintain my weight for the last 2 years", says Soumya with a sigh of relief. "If I'd done it the old way, I'd have become overweight again by now".

Now Soumya is on a mission to help and mentor more people on their path of creating health and wellness for themselves!

(Wellness Quotient proudly presents one of their WQ Champion’s journey as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can too!)

Arpan Gupta