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Posts tagged Weight Loss
Weight Loss: Pot Belly!

It was different this time!!

'Miss photogenic' as we call Reena, was looking little different in her holiday pics. Her clothes looked one size bigger for her and also her smile looked as if she has stopped at 'breathe in' position.

Mahesh came upset to me for his consultation. I was surprised because his sugar levels were absolutely fine this time. I asked him reason for his despair. To which he responded, a lady colleague teased her today saying her Ganesh instead of Mahesh. I controlled my laughter but understood what he was going through.

This is not only the story of Reena or Mahesh, we have all gone through or going through this; struggling with that ugly looking and stubborn Belly Fat.

Why does a big belly happens?
Medical science gives us 5 reasons of a big abdomen-
Foetus, foecal, flatulence, fluid and fat.
All others are mostly taken care by nature but the belly fat has to be worked on. Since we created it, we are responsible to get rid of it.

Is it something to be worried about?
Mother in laws are really happy to see their sons with big bellies. "The bahurani is feeding my son well". Some call it the sign of prosperity.
But the fact is- the bigger your tummy is, the higher your hospitals bills would be in the near future, especially if you have reached 40+ age, and all that prosperity will shift to the doctors.

High belly fats can lead to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, hepatic disorders, hormonal imbalances and infertility (in women), just to name a few.

Now time for some good news.
It can be reduced and you can still get back to your flat tummy, sexy curves, and a fit body. What is required is a professional help with regards to right diet, proper nutrition, personalised exercise regime and stress management. Yes, it's possible!!

A fit body is always a work in progress. Let's start today!!


Post Pregnancy Weight Loss: A size up, a size down

Motherhood is Bliss, Starting from the day of conceiving till holding my little one in my arms has been a beautiful journey. Pregnancy is the best phase where we get all the attention and not only that we also eat guilt free, yes!! that extra dollop of ghee ,extra ladoo I mean any food (with cravings ,without cravings) who cares :) and along with all this extra love and care comes those extra kilos.To be very honest, initially I felt all those extra kilos gain were fair enough for that “ cute little” gain.

I was content and accepted happily all the physical changes post pregnancy (especially weight gain) as marks of pregnancy till the time when I went for shopping one fine day when my son was 6 months old and realized that I have promoted to size XL from L. It was definitely not a happy feeling because it was not only the appearance ,it was my stamina,my energy level which went down,and the thought of resuming back my career with this state was something my brain could not register and my heart denied to accept. First time ever I disliked any promotion.

From that time my fitness journey started as my neurons got activated with respect to getting my size back to L, that was the only motivation as I did not wanted to throw away all my old good clothes.

I started with baby steps ,yes I mean it .It was only 15 minutes of walk in the morning and I want to thank myself here as I have started with this, because after that day I never looked back on physical activity, that 15 minutes walk turned into 45 minutes to 1 hour of brisk walk in 45 days and now it has moved upto 1 hour of HIIT,was it easy? Absolutely not, but the desire of getting back into my original weight was certainly very high. But the changes which I have observed in myself was not only weight loss,I became very thoughtful about the food and its importance in our life, who said we need to starve or follow any fad diet to get fitter? How about eating clean and whole food and losing weight as well.

After 10 months ,now I don’t get fit into size L ,I fit into M :).Thank God along with my son's size ( who is 16 months old now) I didn't grow in size.Not only this ,the biggest joy is leading a healthy life and setting a right example in front of my son is something I can never put a price tag. Motherhood is indeed bliss, lets cherish it !!

