Wellness Quotient


Womens’ Health

Taking a holistic approach towards my health!

When Pooja started going to office every day of the week, she realized that she used to get tired very soon!

On top of that, her digestion was very poor and she experienced bloating too.

She knew there were some deficiencies in her body and when she got her blood work done, she found out that she was right. Pooja was deficient in vitamin B12 and iron!

She wanted to address it the right way and started taking guidance from a WQ Coach.

Firstly, she decided to take plant-based, organically sourced supplementation because she knew the ill effects of synthetic supplements.

Secondly, she understood that supplementation without correct lifestyle changes will not let her go very far.

"So I decided to make small changes like carrying tiffin from home instead of buying meals in office, change my cookware to retain nutrition density in my food etc.", says Pooja.

Within a short time, her blood work values improved. Along with that, she also lost 2 inches on her waistline!

"I'm still a work in progress but I'm super happy with the progress I've made till now!", says a happy Pooja. "Bloating is gone and energy levels and my skin have improved a lot".

Arpan Gupta