No more PCOD! — Wellness Quotient
Wellness Quotient


Womens’ Health

No more PCOD!

Mandakini is a very busy professional working in the banking industry.

The result was that her weight was gradually increasing. She used to feel tired and experience mood swings, and her periods became irregular.

During a visit to her gynaecologist, she was diagnosed with PCOD and was suggested hormonal tablets.

Reluctant to start with medication, she approached a WQ coach for help.

During her lifestyle correction, she learned about many aspects of a healthy lifestyle which were not limited to diet and exercise.

"I was surprised to know how simple lifestyle corrections and focusing on nutrition can drastically improve my health", says Mandakini.

Eventually, she lost 14 kg of weight and her energy levels improved.

Her facial acne got cleared, her hair fall reduced completely, her back pain and acidity issues were gone and within the first two months of starting the program, her period got regularized.

Arpan Gupta