Wellness Quotient


Weight Loss

Healthy weight loss that helped me to lead pain free life

The biggest fear for Jitendra to lose weight was to quit all the tasty food that he like!

So he decided to give it a try himself.

He started with rigorous gym and lost 10 kg. But after some time, he came back.

The same happened when he tried a few other fad diets!

By now, Jitendra understood that he needs to take help from someone who can get him started the right way on his health journey.

"And around that time, I got in touch with one of my college juniors who also happens to be a WQ coach", recalls Jitendra. "I was really struggling with the pain from a herniated disc and he explained to me the right tenets of a healthy lifestyle"

His coach helped him with the right combination of a balanced diet, exercise and nutrition.

"I lost 8 kg in the first 3 months", says a happy Jitendra. "After that, not only could I maintain my weight, but also lost 3 kg further by simply following the lifestyle changes suggested"

(Wellness Quotient proudly presents one of their WQ Champion’s journey as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can too!)

Arpan Gupta