Wellness Quotient


Weight Loss


Santhosh used to work long hours as an IT professional and didn't pay much attention to his health. But during the lockdown, he gained weight and belly fat due to his sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits.

Santhosh realized that he needed to make a change when he noticed that he was losing stamina and gaining tummy fat. So he reached out to a wellness coach for help.

The coach taught Santhosh that true health is not just about losing weight but also about building healthy habits that can be sustained in the long run. Santhosh started making small changes to his lifestyle, like taking a walk during his lunch break and choosing healthier food options.

After 3 months, Santhosh saw some amazing results. He lost weight and gained more energy and confidence. But that's not all - he also noticed that his digestive health improved, his dandruff disappeared, and his food cravings diminished.

Today, Santhosh feels grateful for the changes he has made in his life. He continues to work with his wellness coach to set new goals and build healthy habits that will support his well-being for years to come.

(Wellness Quotient proudly presents one of their WQ Champion’s journey as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can too!)

Arpan Gupta