Wellness Quotient


Thyroid Health

Hypothyroid fit...what a relief!!

Sushma was diagnosed with hypothyroid at the age of 24 yrs when she just completed 2 years in the IT industry.

She had gained some weight during that period due to the sedentary nature of her job. Although, she started walking post lunch, but that did not help much as she felt breathlessness, tiredness even after a single round of walk and sleepy during the afternoons.

She consulted a doctor and was suggested to do a thyroid test. Her TSH level was found to be very high, which is a symptom of hypothyroidism. Doctor suggested that she must get onto thyroid medication for lifelong. She was worried as she could not imagine that first thing every morning she has to consume thyroid medicine. She also learnt that medicine dosage will gradually increase and conceiving would be daunting at a later stage.

She researched about alternate ways to get rid of hypothyroidism and in the process got connected with Wellness Quotient community through a wellness coach. That’s how her collaboration with WQ commenced.

Later, she went through a holistic program as recommended by her wellness coach. It was a completely new lifestyle program with the help of improvised diet plan, customized exercise regimen and natural supplementation. She started noticing changes in her body in just 2 months and felt an increase in her energy output.

She even shed a few kilos and later could conceive easily. Doctors proclaimed the good news that she no longer need medication as her reports were normal post delivery.

Since last four years, as per periodic medical checkup reports, her TSH level is absolutely normal.

She now feels very happy as she could find a way to get her life back in her control.

Arpan Gupta