Wellness Quotient


Joints, Muscles, Nerves

Walk with ease!

At the age of 67, it's a joy for Ms. Shobha to walk gracefully!

With her osteoarthritis, climbing stairs was a big challenge for her for the last 7 years. Especially, winters were a nightmare!

"When traditional approaches like oil massages and physiotherapy didn't yield results, I'd lost hope of recovery", recalls Ms. Shobha.

But thanks to her son who introduced her to the Wellness Quotient community, she decided to work with a WQ coach to address her health condition.

Within the next 6 months, her knee pain wasn't a problem anymore! She was able to walk comfortably and climb stairs, which was a distant dream for her earlier.

"Now I'm able to walk without any problems for the last 2 years and experience better energy levels!", she says with a feeling of relief.

*Disclaimers apply

Arpan Gupta