Wellness Quotient



Took charge of my health!

"Due to a poor diet and lifestyle along with the work-related stress, my gut health had gone for a toss," says Manav.

That's when he decided to approach a WQ coach through his friend.

"I first signed up for a gut cleansing program for a week and by following the instructions provided, I saw immediate improvements", recalls Manav. "This motivated me to enroll into a health transformation program".

Manav learnt that it was not only diet and exercise which needed focus but the balance of mind, body and soul which was an issue.

His coach also signed him up for daily meditation sessions, which were amazing!

When he started, Manav had many health issues. Apart from having some extra kilos, he was pre-diabetic and his vitamin B12 and D were also low.

2 months into the program, Manav started feeling the difference!

He lost 8 kg of weight and his pre-diabetic condition wasn't an issue anymore.

Learning about wellness and being able to improve his own health gave him the confidence to become a wellness coach himself and take on a mission to spread the word about health and wellness around him!

"I'm learning every day from the Wellness Quotient community and living a much improved life now", says Manav.

"It's rewarding when my loved ones approach me for shifting to a good lifestyle and looking fit and fabulous".

(Wellness Quotient proudly presents one of their WQ Champion’s journey as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can too!)

Arpan Gupta