Understand Root Cause of Your Disease
What is disease? What caused it? When?
We can only manage, what we can understand. “Idiopathic” is the most common medical term used with majority of the chronic illnesses today – it simply means “we do not know”. Attend this session…and you will know.
Lifestyle Change is more than a “tried idea”
Lifestyle change can easily claim to be the most “tried and failed” phenomenon across the world for doing something about one’s health. Why?
This 90-minute experience session will bare it all. It will help you realise why lifestyle change is a journey, not a destination; and what to expect on this journey.
A Show & Tell Experience
We remember 10%: Of what we read; 20%: Of what we hear; 30%: Of what we see; 50%: Of what we see and hear; 70%: Of what we discuss with others; 80%: Of what we personally experience. And that is why this is designed as an Experience Session.
Get ready to be amazed and in awe of the possibilities of a natural lifestyle for your health. We guarantee that you will go back feeling in control of improving your health situation..yourself.
Our mission is to take the message of wellness to 10,000 people in 2025
Join the WTD bandwagon!
The WTD session is a 90-minute live session conducted by a wellness coach.
(Session price is INR 14,999/- per session, excluding GST. The minimum/maximum number of attendees in a session should be 20/50 pax. No video recording or online relay for the WTD session is allowed)