Wellness Quotient

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Free from Knee Joint Pain

Dr. Sandeepa, a veterinarian hailing from Delhi, was managing a joint family along with 2 kids and a hectic professional life. All these were taking a toll on her health.

She started having very low energy levels and poor stamina towards the end of the day. Added to this, she developed severe knee pain due to which she was unable to do any exercise and this caused her to gain some more weight.

At this point in time, she made a decision to improve her health. Through Facebook she connected with a fellow veterinarian who is a health coach with the WQ community. Looking at the transformation which WQ has brought in for a lot of people, she didn't hesitate to get started on the program.

She started following a holistic lifestyle with the support of her coach and developed healthy habits during this process.

Slowly, she started seeing improvements in her energy and stamina levels. This gave her more confidence to continue the program.

With these changes, she reduced 10 kg, her knee pain is completely resolved, she became more active and was able to do all exercises.

"I am super thrilled to see the improvements," says Dr. Sandeepa with excitement.

(Wellness Quotient proudly presents one of their WQ Champion’s journey as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can too!)