Wellness Quotient

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2 healthy pregnancies and 10 kg weight loss!

"During my first pregnancy, I had a lot of complications", says Leena. "Also, I developed gestational thyroid disorder".

She couldn't even drink water to take medicines and used to vomit a lot. This used to lead to acute weakness and she had to go for drips.

But when she got in touch with WQ coaches, she understood that it need not be like that. They started to guide Leena to make certain lifestyle changes.

"I took a lot of good nutrients which strengthened me and I started eating properly", Leena recalls.

After she had a healthy delivery, the doctor assessed her thyroid condition and suggested that she can stop taking thyroid medications.

"I have a family history of thyroid and this was a great relief for me!", says Leena.

A few years later, during her second pregnancy, Leena continued the same healthy regime and had a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

"After my second pregnancy, I gained 10 kg to 12 kg weight and I was constantly thinking about how to reduce my weight. I took help from my WQ coaches and community and started working on various health pillars like diet, exercise, supplementation, etc.", she says.

For Leena, managing her home, and kids and following diet and exercise programs were not easy. But due to her determination, she was able to lose 10 kg in a healthy way!

One message she wants to give to mothers who are on a similar journey like hers is "Mothers take care of everyone except themselves. We need to think for ourselves, only if we are healthy we can take care of our family. Trust your coach they will guide you to a healthy lifestyle"

(Wellness Quotient proudly presents one of their WQ Champion’s journey as yet another hope for many out there who want to achieve wellness but are uncertain if they can too!)