Wellness Quotient

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A couple's health transformation!

It's always fun when couples work towards a common goal. And it holds good when the goal is to become healthy!

Girish and Sushma have been senior IT professionals with hectic jobs.

Both of them knew that their health needed attention. Apart from having extra kilos, Girish had a very low immunity while Sushma was diagnosed with hypothyroidism.

"We were looking for a more integrated approach towards health instead of just popping some pills", recalls Girish. And that's when they came across Wellness Quotient and enrolled in a program with a WQ coach because they liked the approach.

When they started to work holistically on food habits, nutrition, workouts, meditation & stress management, they started to see significant improvement. "Over the next 6 months, we were a whole new version!", says Sushma.

Earlier, Girish used to have a cough and cold every 45 days and had to take a dose of antibiotics, while Sushma had to start on thyroid medication.

But now, Girish has never taken antibiotics for the last 7 years and frequent cough and cold is history. Sushma is off medication and her thyroid levels are within control!

This couple is now a beacon of hope to many others who wish to take charge of their own health!

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